Meredith Herman
Petaluma, CA
"Andrea has been the pulse of the hunter/jumper sales industry for over 30 years. She draws the most sales traffic and is responsible for mounting more riders on their first horse than any other trainer I know!"

Betsy Wohler
City, State
Hershey, who we bought from Andrea at Dreamland Farms has been part of our family for 4 wonderful years. He and Taylor earned many championships, but the best part is that he has been Taylor’s best friend and teacher, and we love him dearly!

Deebie Symmes
City, State
Andrea offers an oasis of sanity in the horse buying process. You can learn about your choices and engage your child in the decision process, letting them test a variety of horses over several visits. Its a great way to really understand the range of things that might fit and feel confident about value, and Andrea has great insights. She works well with all trainers, never creates false pressures, and even lets you change your mind as you get to know yourself.

Amy Vance
Petaluma, CA
We bought our first horse from Andrea at Dreamland. We had leased 2 ponies previously but had not had our own horse. We had a challengingly small budget and a very competitive junior rider. We tried several horses in our price range but after the last horse Andrea asked permission to show us a horse that was outside of our budget. She had been watching Olivia ride and she thought this horse would be compatible. He was a stunning 16’2 Holsteiner, named Champ with a perfect star, long forelock, socks, and a tail that touched the ground. The minute Olivia started riding we all looked at each other and knew he was the one. She jumped every jump (even a 3’ rolltop which she had never jumped before) and we knew we needed to figure out how to make this work. Andrea helped negotiate a price and even a payment plan with the owner. For the next 3 years, every time I saw Andrea, I thanked her, and told her that if she would not have had the vision of Olivia and Champ together we would have never known he existed. We will always be grateful to her for bringing Champ into our lives.
Olivia and Champ (Knightsbridge) competed together for 3 years in the Equitation and Hunters. With Kara Love (KMC Farm) as her trainer, they were Region 10 Champion in the Outreach Medal and Hunter Challenge in 2012. They won so many division champions and medal classes from the 2’6 to the 3’ level. He was such an amazing teacher and took her so far, we will always be grateful to him. He was extremely sound and healthy. He’s currently 19 and was sold to a woman at a neighboring barn on the property we board at and while Olivia’s moving up to the modified hunters, Champ’s right at home teaching someone else the ropes at the 2’6 level.